viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016


Reading aloud or reading silently?

Silent reading: Scanning, skimming, intensive and extensive.

Reading aloud

In the first years of primary education storytelling plays an important role in the process of learning.
More effective if the story is told (or read) aloud due to the fact that learners become more involved and consequently more motivated.
Students can show that they recognize written and spoken forms and the relationship between form and meaning.
At early and intermediate levels can be used to check bottom-up processing skills or simply pronunciation.

It is not a very authentic activity.
It is a boring activity because while one student is reading, the others can easily lose attention.
It’s not an interactive activity because students only have to recite.

Silent reading 

The most common and natural type of reading.
Different goals can be pursued depending on the predetermined purpose of reading:
Scanning: search of specific information within a text: relevant dates, numbers in a directory, times on a timetable or key concepts in an academic text.
Skimming. Very common in everyday life; used to get a global impression of the content of a text (the gist of the text). Requires a definite reading competence because it implies an overall view of the text. It Develops students’ self-confidence since they obtain a lot of information without needing much reading.


Focuses on linguistic and content accuracy.
It is very important in some educational contexts because it is used to exemplify different aspects of the lexical, syntactic and discourse systems.
Full understanding of the literal meaning presented in the written passage.

Oriented towards grasping a general understanding of the text for the purpose of enjoyment or learning.
Texts are usually long such as books or articles and reading them takes extended periods of time.
Extensive reading is not usually performed during class time but it is known that this activity helps students to improve their reading abilities.

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