sábado, 2 de enero de 2016



Spelling is just one of the aspects of learning a word. It means knowing its shape: what is like and consequently, being able to read and write the word. English spelling is particularly difficult because there is not a direct relationship between sound and spelling.
Types of activities
Two groups and many different types for each of them.
At very early stages the aim will simply be for the students to copy words: Copy the word next to the picture, label pictures, order letters in a word, fill in the missing letters, and copy words in alphabetical order.
Scott and Ytreberg (1990:71) suggest reading, remembering and copying words.
“Delayed copying”: The teacher writes several familiar words on the blackboard and lets the children look at them for a few seconds, then (s)he erases the blackboard and asks pupils to write as many as they can remember.

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