miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015


    After the three years being student of the Grade of Primary School in Ceuta, I have discovered many aspects of education which were previously unknown to me. It is true that during my schooling, teachers have tried to introduce them in our daily classes, although in a "distant" way. For instance, they did not give them much importance, at least along my experience. However, adopting this new perspective as a teacher I can say without any doubt that ICT is certainly an extremely powerful tool.
Therefore, teachers need to be trained in all the resources that are at our disposal to maximize and enhance the learning of our students. What's more, it is inconceivable to find teachers and teachers who do not use technological as tools to help children to create meaningful knowledge. This is not a time occurrence or a new fad. Overall, it is an easily observable fact in our society. We have to be responsible and introduce what our students need, because that means that we are integrating the characteristics and interest of each student to each school context. Finally, only this methodological approach will generate a meaningful learning.
    I would like to share with you all my experiences of my life studying and every little progress I can do during my life teaching-training. That’s why I keep on writing on my blog as every year. Many of us know what is a blog. However, not everyone knows the power transmission this can have. It is a website that allows us to have the information updated regularly. In turn, it allows us to gather information from many types: links, videos, photographs, audio, apart from the main text, where we can reflect opinions, data, news, experiences or a simple recipe. So the possibilities are manifold.
   The word blog comes from the union of "web" and "log", which comes to mean a journal on the web.  It is frankly becoming an effective communication tool, because it let us follow different guidelines and it is also considered a way of cooperation between people. In other words, by blogging we can get all the culture.
    In a nutshell, the Blog has numerous advantages which I personally invite you to discover yourself. You can organize the different learning and share with not only the educative community but with parent and every person interested in educational issues.

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