jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015


    I am trying to focus this blog taking into account information from the point of view of educational and technological resources. We will focus on the importance of Information processing and digital competence for achieving the learning of the foreign language. This competence is based on having the ability to search, obtain, process and communicate information and transform it into knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to have access to it.  
    From my point of view, skills are essential in education as they provide what is necessary to function efficiently in today's society. Consequently, it makes the person happy to have resources with which to overcome every difficulty presented during his life. What´s more, we also adapt and develop the society in which he lives. Every tool improves the development of education.
The nomenclature and definition of key competences in the LOMCE is based on a European Commission document on 21st century competences. The LOMCE defines 7 competences:
  • Linguistic competence
  • Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
  • Digital competence
  • Learning to learn
  • Social and civic competences
  • Initiative and entrepreneurship
  • Cultural awareness and expression

The key competences focus on preparing children for the future, developing skills and attitudes that will help them to enjoy a good quality of life and to successfully interact with others in the context they are likely to encounter in their daily lives.

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