viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015


If we want to be teachers in the foreign language we have to state clear the difference between:
For Krashen:
Stephen Krashen (University of Southern California) is an expert in the field of linguistics, specializing in theories of language acquisition and development. For him:
  • Acquisition: Processes and strategies people use to “acquire” their first language.
  • Learning: It refers to the conscious and guided knowledge of second or foreign language.
A Language learning method is a general plan for presenting language materials, based on the selected approach and the specification and interrelation of theory and practice. The method, then, will consist of three levels (approach, design and procedure):
A language learning approach refers to assumptions, theories about the nature of language learning that serves as the source of practices and principles in language teaching, i.e. a reference point.
Design is the second level and specifies the relationship of theories of language and learning to both the form and function of instructional materials and activities in instructional settings.
Procedure: Is the third level, it comprises the classroom techniques and practices that are consequences of particular approaches and designs”.
A language learning “technique” is a particular procedure used to accomplish a particular objective.
Method:  An “umbrella term”. Three levels
Approach: Provides theoretical foundations for what a teacher does in his classroom.
Design: relationship of theories of language and learning to both the form and function of instructional materials and activities in instructional settings

Procedure, the third level: it comprises the classroom techniques and practices that are consequences of particular approaches and designs.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015


La sociedad de hoy en día, basada en su mayoría en las nuevas tecnologías exige que el profesorado esté formado en las TIC. Vivimos en una era en la que la información es ingentemente abundante. Esta no está en mano únicamente de un grupo social cerrado sino que es accesible a toda la población, debido a herramientas como Internet. 
Los profesores deben dominar las TIC para poder enseñarlas a su alumnado. Fomentando su uso. Vivimos en una sociedad en la que la mayoría de la información que recibimos es a través de la imagen. Además de ser este un método de enseñanza – aprendizaje muy efectivo. Por este motivo el maestro debe conocer el uso de procesadores de textos, power point, Excel, y otros programas que permitan practicar y participar a los alumnos y alumnas. Existen multitud de programas educativos que ofrecen la posibilidad de interactuar, con ello conseguimos que los niños aprendan de forma sencilla e “inconsciente”.
Además, el correcto uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información pueden marcar las diferencias en unas oposiciones, donde se tienen muy en cuenta el uso de blogs, wikis, páginas web, programas...
Hemos comentado ya varias veces que las TIC son un recurso que facilita el aprendizaje de los alumnos al igual que contribuyen a que la información fluya libremente. Lo que es más, Internet es una herramienta que destruye muros y tan poderosa como para movilizar y extender ideas de cambio.
Por último os recomiendo que visitéis mi primer blog, ya que en él realice una entrada muy interesante, si me lo permitís, en la cual podéis encontrar un enlace a un vídeo de You Tube en el que Eduard Punset realiza una entrevista a Roger Shank, defensor de la postura: “para aprender es necesario la experimentación y la práctica”

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015


    After the three years being student of the Grade of Primary School in Ceuta, I have discovered many aspects of education which were previously unknown to me. It is true that during my schooling, teachers have tried to introduce them in our daily classes, although in a "distant" way. For instance, they did not give them much importance, at least along my experience. However, adopting this new perspective as a teacher I can say without any doubt that ICT is certainly an extremely powerful tool.
Therefore, teachers need to be trained in all the resources that are at our disposal to maximize and enhance the learning of our students. What's more, it is inconceivable to find teachers and teachers who do not use technological as tools to help children to create meaningful knowledge. This is not a time occurrence or a new fad. Overall, it is an easily observable fact in our society. We have to be responsible and introduce what our students need, because that means that we are integrating the characteristics and interest of each student to each school context. Finally, only this methodological approach will generate a meaningful learning.
    I would like to share with you all my experiences of my life studying and every little progress I can do during my life teaching-training. That’s why I keep on writing on my blog as every year. Many of us know what is a blog. However, not everyone knows the power transmission this can have. It is a website that allows us to have the information updated regularly. In turn, it allows us to gather information from many types: links, videos, photographs, audio, apart from the main text, where we can reflect opinions, data, news, experiences or a simple recipe. So the possibilities are manifold.
   The word blog comes from the union of "web" and "log", which comes to mean a journal on the web.  It is frankly becoming an effective communication tool, because it let us follow different guidelines and it is also considered a way of cooperation between people. In other words, by blogging we can get all the culture.
    In a nutshell, the Blog has numerous advantages which I personally invite you to discover yourself. You can organize the different learning and share with not only the educative community but with parent and every person interested in educational issues.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015


    I am trying to focus this blog taking into account information from the point of view of educational and technological resources. We will focus on the importance of Information processing and digital competence for achieving the learning of the foreign language. This competence is based on having the ability to search, obtain, process and communicate information and transform it into knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to have access to it.  
    From my point of view, skills are essential in education as they provide what is necessary to function efficiently in today's society. Consequently, it makes the person happy to have resources with which to overcome every difficulty presented during his life. What´s more, we also adapt and develop the society in which he lives. Every tool improves the development of education.
The nomenclature and definition of key competences in the LOMCE is based on a European Commission document on 21st century competences. The LOMCE defines 7 competences:
  • Linguistic competence
  • Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
  • Digital competence
  • Learning to learn
  • Social and civic competences
  • Initiative and entrepreneurship
  • Cultural awareness and expression

The key competences focus on preparing children for the future, developing skills and attitudes that will help them to enjoy a good quality of life and to successfully interact with others in the context they are likely to encounter in their daily lives.